Monday, August 31, 2009

California on Fire

Today the news is all about the fires raging in California. I have fire to the north and the south of me. I know this is fire season in California but I really wish that everyone would take precautions to prevent fires.

If you will forgive me for a moment I have to get on my soap box. I am sure that everyone is aware of California's financial woes. So up on my soap box I step. When our Governor wanted to increase the rainy day saving account when trying to settle the budget fiasco the Assembly and Senate fought him. Yes it meant cuts to some programs that these representatives wanted to prevent but the rainy day or rather the "Fire Day" is here. Fire season is a reality at this time of the year. I cannot remember at year since I first arrived in this state in 1980 that we did not have a fire. So I am going to say it. Why cut the fund, why cut emergency personnel so there is money for some "pet" project or funding for some of the more wasteful programs. That is just beyond stupid! Okay ....stepping off my soap box.

Back to the fires.....
I guess if you have never been in a fire or witnessed it's devastation it can be hard to imagine. These fires become monsters consuming everything in their pathway. The fire cares not about how big or small your house is or how much money you make. In my opinion, fire is a living, breathing being that only cares about feeding itself so it may continue to grow. Fire cares not about the destruction that it leaves behind nor the lives in leaves in shambles. It doesn't care about the lives of our firefighters that are risking everything to protects us. Fire only cares for itself.

I have been closely following the Station Fire and worry for our friends at Daphneyland and the hundred or so houndies that are in their care. Daphneyland is a large basset rescue whose primary purpose is giving a home to Basset Hounds in need of somewhere safe to call home. Though they are not under evacuation orders yet the thought of moving that many hounds is can be nothing but daunting. This will be monumental task of moving that many frightened animals from the only place they feel safe. There are houndies of all ages and with a myriad of different illness that put them at risk. Then you add in the ash, smoke that is surrounding and engulfing them and the fire that can be seen from the property. Now because of all the fires all the wild critters are on the move. Daphneyland is in my prayers.

I am sending out requests for help to all the groups that I belong to. I wish I were closer than 8 hrs or I would be done there helping. I have offered to open my home and take in some of the houndies that need to be moved. I am waiting and worrying. The news is on the TV and I am following online.

Everyone that is in the line of the many fires here in California will remain in my prayers until they are safe from all harm. To all the fireman may the angels watch over you and protect you from harm. Lastly a huge thank you to all that are involved with these fires from front lines to the behind the scenes personnel. I am forever grateful for all you do.

May God watch over everyone, human or animal.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Looking around the house today I realize that I have been a little complacent in my cleaning duties lately. Of course with all the members of the gang shedding what seems a full furkid on a daily basis, my house is never really fur free. When I get a room clean I can look around with a sense of pride over my accomplishment which sinks within 15 minutes because the Hair Is Back!

I think pet hair is a live and thinking being. When it sees the vacuum come out, it runs and hides in some hidden crack. Or maybe it climbs up the wall, onto the ceiling, spreading itself out so it is unseen. (People really rarely look up.) When the unsuspecting vacuumer leaves the room, they slowly sneak back, strand by strand, knowing that they are once again safe until the dreaded, evil Dyson monster once again comes on the scene. In celebration, the individual hair come together to have a "Hair Ball", dancing and rolling around the once clean floor. The hairs that congregate into corners, well they are the wall flowers (hair flowers?) that stand back and watch all the fun. Though some may be the sentries that sound the warning alarm in the event the death monster unexpectantly comes back. I really can think of no other explanation for this hair phenonemon.

You know if they can invent air exchange systems that change the air every 15 minutes then why doesn't someone invent a hair exhange system? The hair goes away and in exchange you have a hairless home. With the pet industry being a multi billion dollar industry you would think that someone would have done this by now. So what's the hold up...someone get busy and make this. I would be the first in line for this product. Who cares how much it costs! My sanity is at stake here.

Oh well its time to put on my armor and gather my weapons. The battle with the hair commenses!


Friday, August 28, 2009

My first blog post - 8-28-2009

Welcome to Life in the Dog House. Kick your feet up, relax and enjoy.

It is 4:45 am and the gang are are sleeping peacefully. Ahhhh peace and quiet. I better enjoy it while it lasts as most of the gang will be up and on the move shorty. Well except for Nelly Belle. She is my little senior gal that believes in order to be beautiful she must sleep in until at least 9 a.m. Although she does announce when she is awake. She arhoos rather loudly and will continue until I come it to say good morning and give her the appropriate amount of belly rubs and smooches. Ahhhh the life of a senior drooler. I have to admit I am just a bit jealous.

I look around my bedroom and it seems that we are in need of a much bigger room and yet there are a few missing. Lets see. In the queen size bed which sits in the center of the room, we have Miss Ayla, the senior kitty, sleeping on the pillow next to me. She is curled up in a little gray fluffy ball and it is hard to believe that she has only been here a few short months. Actually thinking back it is a miracle that she is still with us. Nelly Belle is to my left with her feet up against my thigh. (Reminds me of a country song.) She doesn't sleep without touching me. I move, she moves. You might say we have a little tango dance going on all night. Then there is Bazzle who has used his drooler stealth mode to steal both of my knee pillows to sleep on. You would think with a sleep number bed he wouldn't need pillows. Of course I am sitting up with my legs drawn up almost to my chin. Does that matter to them? Of course not! I am the MommaSlave and it is only their comfort that matters.....just ask them.

Looking around to the right of the room it is quite full. In the corner we have Gregor my second gray puff ball, perched on the highest roost of the big cat tree. I believe he is the quietest of all the snorers in the house. Did I forget to mention they all snore???? There is the three tier steps that lead up to the bed. What a back saver those are! Abutting up to the one side of the steps is my very old cedar chest covered with a rubber mat. Have you guessed why there is a rubber mat on it yet? Well that is where the water bowl sits so frail little Miss Ayla does not have to travel far to quench her thirst. Of course it is also convenient for the rest of the gang as well. I mean you can't just cater to one ....can you?

The left of room is covered in orthopedic dog beds. Not small ones mind you but the extra large kind and three of them. Now in all honest one is a single and the other 2 are stacked with a fleece bed on top of them. Nikko kitty has deemed this his bed. Well at least until the Empress Ruby Doo comes back to claim it. Remember the story about the Princess and the Pea? Well I have the Empress and the Pea. Speaking of the Empress she is laying at the foot of the bed. Which means virtually all the floor space is taken up.

In case your wondering....Abby Gale and Sadie Maye are sleeping quite comfortably in the living room. There is no room on the couch or chair for the MommaSlave but they are quite comfortable indeed.

This is life with The Dog House Gang. Always wall to wall fur including that they they leave behind after changing spots. What a wonderful life these furkidz lead, almost makes you wish you were them , doesn't it?

I hope you will excuse me as I think I shall enjoy my cup of coffee and the peace and quiet for however long that it still may last this morning. Though I am quite sure it will come to a thundering end all too very soon. May your day be as filled with happines and love as mine is.

Karen and The Dog House Gang